Wednesday, July 17, 2013

LHC Request to Create a Way for Block Blasphemous Videos From YouTube

Lahore High Court today directed the competent authorities and to assess the ability of the technology to block YouTube videos to browse the new blasphemous Express Tribune.

Justice Syed Ali Shah Mansur, a request to re-strict YouTube, said the Ministry and the PTA web sites on the technological capacity to block controversial

When PTA and Moita expressed its inability to block specific content on YouTube, Mr. Waseem Tauqeer court order, a director of PTA, the meeting request, as well as representatives from the Ministry of IT experts assess the state of research and technology capabilities available in the country.

It is said that this meeting should take place before the next meeting, 27 July 2013. He promised also to show that PTA DG recording of the minutes of the next date of hearing before, and, moreover, will appear in person before the court to help.

Earlier, the Ministry informed the court that Google is not interested in participating in the process, even though the court had issued notices to Google Asia Pacific Pte. April 26, prior to the meeting LTD.

Deplored the attitude of the court that Google and Google does not inform the Court of his inability to participate in the procedure.

The applicant stated that there are several technologies available for consulting and Web sites YouTube to block controversial content.

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